The bridge exercise targets your legs and buttocks and incorporates an element of core stability, making for a well-rounded exercise.
Bridging is great for:
- Core stability
- Pelvic stability
- Weak glutes
- Weak Hamstrings
- Start by lying on your back (palms down for more stability)
- Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart
- Push your feet into the floor, contract your glutes and lift your hips up from the ground until your body make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees (this is the bridge position)
- Slowly return your hips to the ground and repeat
To progress
- Once in the bridge positing grasp your hips and begin marching on the spot, lifting your heels off the ground, alternating between left and right
Progress further
- Once in the bridge position grasp your hips and straighten one leg (keep your body aligned)
- Raise your straightened leg towards the ceiling and return it to the aligned position and repeat a set of repetitions